Crystal Reynolds, Founder of Cultivate Clarity

Hey,I'm Crystal!

I’m a Certified Polarity Therapist, YogaSpirit Instructor, Medium and the founder of Cultivate Clarity. I created this spiritual sanctuary in 2019 to help women let go of their past, reclaim their power and transform their lives. Growing up as an empath and coming from a long line of gifted women; helping others through energy work was my soul's purpose in this lifetime.

From a young age…

  • …I embraced my own unique set of gifts starting with clairaudience (hearing spirit) and clairsentience (recognizing the feelings of others). I would have dreams that would come true and as I got older I would know what would happen without needing to be in that dream state (claircognizance) It wasn’t until I experienced my own trauma (sexual assault) which lead to a lack of worthiness and a longing to fit in. I didn’t tell anyone what had happened to me and instead I began suppressing my gifts. If I wasn't me than it couldn't happen to me again. This was the first of many subconscious defense mechanisms to protect myself.

    My trauma had snow balled, the more I ran away from who I truly was and the truth, the more I was hurt and the more traumas I experienced. Then the anxiety and depression kicked in. Unhealed, my trauma showed up in my physical body as digestive issues. I knew something needed to change but I felt stuck. I felt like I was under a black cloud. What did I do to deserve this? I saw gastroenterologists who said nothing was wrong with my stomach and psychiatrists who had me crying and pushing medication. Finally someone recommended a naturopath. This was my first experience with a Holistic Wellness Professional. I started taking herbal supplements, exercising and saying affirmations. I shifted my mindset to everything is happening for a reason and the Universe/God/Source wouldn’t give me something I couldn’t handle. Even though I endured trauma I was always eternally grateful for this life and knew eventually I would be ok and everything would reveal itself. I wasn’t going to allow an external experience, person or my past to control my present anymore.

    I began following the "bread crumbs" the universe was showing me and trusting the process. A rejection from one job was a redirection to another job where I met a Yoga Instructor who helped me quiet my mind, then a Doterra Essential Oil Educator who introduced me to Reiki, then an EFT Tapper who was the first person I spoke my full truth to, with a trembling voice but nonetheless it was my story! Next a Chiropractor who sent me to a Massage Therapist which finally lead me to a Polarity Therapist.

    I turned to each modality above looking to get clear on my purpose and really heal from my past traumas but it wasn’t until I started Polarity Therapy that I really felt my best! Finally it all made sense, I felt at peace, I knew who my authentic self (the real me) was when I was younger before trauma, before society, before expectations. Then things started to fall into place. I felt fully aligned, connected to pure source energy and I was no longer being held back by fear, doubt or the past. YAY! I was able to tap into my inner power, my inner knowing and find the strength needed to make changes that have since improved my life and those around me. I regained all of my spiritual gifts.

    After seeing amazing results I knew this was the modality I would use to share my gifts with the world. To help others crawl out of darkness, reclaim their power and find their purpose and strength. I completed my Polarity Therapy certification in August of 2019 at the Live More Realized Institute and later that year created this safe space to assist other women on their spiritual journey, elevating their energy and evolving into their highest self. 

    p.s. The funny part is the Universe knew this was what I was meant to be doing all along. As I look back I realize I met my Polarity Therapy Educator when I was just 18 years old. I was about to enroll in a massage program that offered Polarity Therapy; but I decided to go to a traditional college instead. (insert eye roll) But as I always say, what is meant for you will come to you no matter what. When the opportunity knocked at 18 I wasn't ready. I needed to go through those additional traumas to be able to relate to my clients, to be an example, because if I could transform YOU CAN TOO! 

Quartz Crystal

“I created this spiritual sanctuary to help women let go of their past, reclaim their power and transform their lives.”

Crystal performing energy healing session on client with quartz crystal

No. 01

  • After my first session with Crystal, I felt completely refreshed and relaxed. I literally felt lighter and for the first time in months – genuinely happy.

    Client Testimonial

  • Crystal is an amazing healer and energy worker. You will be shocked how therapies like this will change your life. Truly.

    Client Testimonial

  • Crystal's energy healing sessions have left us clear, aligned, and ready to take on the world!

    Client Testimonial

  • Crystal changed my life with the work we did together this year. Forever grateful for her.

    Client Testimonial

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